the pc script works, but event or rules doesnt -.-

#greet on
on 1:JOIN:#:{ .notice $nick Hi there, welcome to #future_elites, please enjoy your stay !! }
#greet end

/auser 100 Moshkin

on 1:part:#future_elites:/msg $nick Thanks for joining us on #future_elites!

!-----------------------------flood control ------------------------!

on @*:TEXT:*:#: {

if (%aflood) && ($nick isvoice $chan || $nick isop $chan) { return }

if (%aflood) && (%flood2. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] ] == $null) {

set -u2 %flood2. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] ] 1


elseif (%flood2. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] ] >= 2) {

kick # $nick flood

unset %flood2. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] ]


else { inc -u2 %flood2. [ $+ [ $wildsite ] ]


if (%repeats) ($nick isvoice $chan || $nick isop $chan) { return }

var %text = $hash($strip($1-),32)

var %old.text = %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ]

var %old.text = $deltok(%old.text,1,46)

if (%rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) || (%old.text != %text) {



var %temp = %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ]

var %count = $gettok(%temp,1,46)

inc %count

set -u60 %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] %count $+ . $+ %text

if (%count >= 3) {

ban -u5 # $nick 13

kick # $nick repeat


if (%ainvite) && ($nick isvoice $chan || $nick isop $chan) { return }

if (%ainvite) && $regex($1-, #\w) {

ban # $nick 13

kick # $nick advertise


!---------PC script ------------!

on *:TEXT:!setworld*:#: {
if (($nick isreg $chan || $nick isvoice $chan )) { halt }
else set %rank $2-
msg $chan The current world has been set : %rank .
on $*:TEXT:/^!(pcw|world)/iS:#:{
{ if ($nick ishop $chan) || ($nick isop $chan) || ($nick isvoice $chan) /notice $nick 8,2the current world is %rank
else /notice $nick voice or higher only

!--------- Event -----------!

on *:text:!setevent*:#: {
if ($1 == !setevent && ($nick isop $chan || $nick ishop $chan)) {
if (!$2) { .notice $nick Error: You need to include the event with this command. }
else {
set %event $2-
.notice $nick Event set to: $2-
elseif ($1 == !event) {
msg $chan Today's event is: $2-

!--------- Rules -----------!

on *:text:!setrules*:#: {
if ($1 == !setrules && ($nick isop $chan || $nick ishop $chan)) {
if (!$2) { .notice $nick Error: You need to include the rules/events with this command. }
else {
set %rules $2-
.notice $nick Event set to: $2-
elseif ($1 == !rules) {
msg $chan The rules in this channel are: $2-