Something a little different from what you want but..

You could also in your alias (I think you're using the F2 { }) use something such as.

F2 { unset %knicks | doit $* }
doit {
set %knicks %knicks $1
kick $chan $1 "You're kicked! Mwahaha!"

; Remove this line, testing purposes only.
.echo -a :: %knicks

With this variation it will set the nicknames into the variable before it actually kicks them. So if you do not successfully kick them by whatever means the nickname will still appear in the %knicks variable.
(There may be a chance of the script halting do to errors aswell.)

%knicks will only return all the nicknames once the looping thru the nicknames is complete. If you echo the variable half-way thru the variable will only contain half the nicknames selected.

Live to Dream & Dream for Life