Hi All,

I'm having a problem with a custom sounds dialog. Everything is working fine, with the exception of the actual events triggers. It appears as though the intended events aren't actually tiggering the sound files which are properly listed in the .ini file. Here's the current text that isn't working:

; ~~~ IRC Events ~~~

on *:OP:*: {
  if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,OP) == 1) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,OP) != $null) splay " $+ $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,OP) $+ "

on *:DeOP:*: {
  if ($opnick == $me) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,DeOP) == 1) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,DeOP) != $null) splay " $+ $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,DeOP) $+ "

on *:HOP:*: {
  if ($hnick == $me) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,HOP) == 1) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,HOP) != $null) splay " $+ $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,HOP) $+ "

on *:DeHOP:*: {
  if ($Hnick == $me) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,DeHOP) == 1) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,DeHOP) != $null) splay " $+ $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,DeHOP) $+ "

on *:Voice:*: {
  if ($Vnick == $me) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,Voice) == 1) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Voice) != $null) splay " $+ $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Voice) $+ "

on *:DeVoice:*: {
  if ($Vnick == $me) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,DeVoice) == 1) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,DeVoice) != $null)  play " $+ $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,DeVoice) $+ "

on *:kick:*: {
  if ($knick == $me) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,Kick) == 1) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Kick) != $null) splay " $+ $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Kick) $+ "

on *:Ban:*: {
  if ($bnick == $me) || ($address($me,2) isin $banmask) {
    if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,Ban) == 1) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Ban) != $null) splay " $+ $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Ban) $+ "

on *:Whisper:*: {
  if ($bnick == $me) || ($address($me,2) isin $banmask) {
    if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,Whisper) == 1) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Whisper) != $null) splay " $+ $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Whisper) $+ "

on *:Connect: {
  if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,Connect) == 1) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Connect) != $null) splay " $+ $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Connect) $+ "

on *:Disconnect: {
  if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,Disconnect) == 1) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Disconnect) != $null) splay " $+ $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Disconnect) $+ "

on *:Join: {
  if ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Enabled,Join) == 1) && ($readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Join) != $null) splay " $+ $readini(FTCSounds.ini,Sounds,Join) $+ "


I know the sound files are otherwise recognized by the script because it has the ability to test each sound, and they work properly. However, when the triggering events occurs, the sounds don't play. If anyone can clue me in to why this code is not working, I'd sure appreciate it.

Thanks very much!