I'm trying to make a script that saves totals of how many times I have been +/-qaohv. The +/-ov work fine, but for +/-qah...then it gets tricky. I want this to be accurate, but it's got to the point where I need help. Because you see the thing is, if someone sets "mode +kq my_nickname person_getting_owner", this script will increment %founders, when clearly it was just a coincidence that my name is the channel key.

on *:rawmode:*: {
if ($me isin $2-) && ( (+*q iswm $1) || (+q isin $1) ) && (-*q !iswm $1) {
/inc %founders
/echo $chan %founders founders
if ($me isin $2-) && ( (+*a iswm $1) || (+a isin $1) ) && (-*a !iswm $1) {
/inc %protects
/echo $chan %protects protects
if ($me isin $2-) && ( (+*h iswm $1) || (+h isin $1) ) && (-*h !iswm $1) {
/inc %hops
/echo $chan %hops hops
if ($me isin $2-) && ( (-*q iswm $1) || (-q isin $1) ) {
/inc %defounders
/echo $chan %defounders defounders
if ($me isin $2-) && ( (-*a iswm $1) || (-q isin $1) ) {
/inc %deprotects
/echo $chan %deprotects deprotects
if ($me isin $2-) && ( (-*h iswm $1) || (-q isin $1) ) {
/inc %dehops
/echo $chan %dehops dehops

Last edited by Shining_Phoenix; 30/10/06 04:42 AM.