I have this as part of a stats bot to pick up smilies

$calc($regex($1-,/(\:|;)(-)?(P|X|D|\/|\\|\[|\])/ig) + $count($1-,: $+ $chr(40),:- $+ $chr(40),: $+ $chr(41),:- $+ $chr(41),; $+ $chr(40),;- $+ $chr(40),; $+ $chr(41),;- $+ $chr(41))))  

Could someone with a good knowledge of regex modify this so it detects the following smilies as well as the ones that the code picks up.

shocked ;O :[color:blue]o ;o :| ;| =] =[ =) =( =| =x[/color]
Or any other smiles you can think of, i don't know regex well so any help on this would be fantastic. smile