I'm not sure I understand what you want to happen, but here is one way to take your request:

on @*:op:#chat:{
  if ( %opnick == off ) || ( %opnick == $null ) || ($nick isop #chat) || ($read($scriptdir $+ exempts.op,nw,$opnick)) { return }
  if (!$read($scriptdir $+ guardian.op,nw,$opnick)) {
    ;mode $chan -o $opnick
    [color:red]mode $chan -o+b $nick $wildsite
    kick $chan $nick You have been kicked for unauthorized op[/color]

on *:nick:{
  if ( %opnick == off ) || ( %opnick == $null ) || ($nick isop #chat) { return }
  if ($read($scriptdir $+ exempts.op,nw,$newnick)) { return }
  var %i = 1
  while ($comchan($newnick,%i)) {
    if ($me isop $v1) && ($newnick isop $v2) && (!$read($scriptdir $+ guardian.op,nw,$v1)) {
      ;mode $comchan($newnick,%i) -o $newnick
      [color:red]mode $comchan($newnick,%i) -o+b $newnick $wildsite
      kick $comchan($newnick,%i) $nick You have been kicked for unauthorized op[/color]
    inc %i

I commented out your previous line just incase, and added two more. If you meant to ban when you deop them, this is your solution. If you want a ban on deop (as in the on DEOP event) then I'd have to rewrite this solution.
