If that's the case, you'll need to edit it to look like this:

on *:text:*:?: {
  var %s.chan = [color:red]#yourchannel[/color]
  if ($nick !ison %s.chan && $me isop %s.chan) {
    var %nick.addr = $address($nick,2)
    var %cnt = $nick(%s.chan,0)
    while (%cnt) {
      if ($address($nick(%s.chan,%cnt),2) == %nick.addr) {
        ban -ku600 $chan $nick(%s.chan,%cnt) 2 Spammer
     dec %cnt

Just a note that if you aren't opped, or you have your users also use this and they aren't opped, then this won't do anything. If you want others to use it, who are not ops, then instead of the ban part, you might set it to send you (or an op) an automatic message stating the person is spamming and have the op(s) run another script that will automatically ban based on that message. Just a thought.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net