Be patient. smile

You can read it right out of users.ini (or whatever file it is saved as).

Press Alt-R, then click the Users tab. On the bottom of that window, it should tell you the filename and path for the users.ini file. In one client, it's called users.ini and is in my main folder, in another client, it's called u_users.ini and is in my script folder. That's why you need to check. Put that filename/path into the red part below.

After you know where it's at, you can do this in the part where you want it to display:

play -a listusers $nick [color:red]users.ini[/color] 1000

Then, also include this at the end of your script:

alias -l listusers {
  if ($2 != [users]) {
    msg $1 $gettok($2-,2,61)

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