Quoted from the help file:
/unset [-s] <%var>
This unsets and removes the specified variables from the variables list. If you specify a variable with wildcard characters then all matching variables will be removed.
/unset %test*

Therefore i think you should be able to /unset %*id*. Or if it doesn't work, try this:

alias Lucres {
  var %reset = $var($2,0), %i = 0
  if (%reset &gt; 0) {
  if ($1 = unset) {
  while (%reset &lt;= %i) { .unset $var($2,%i) | inc %i 1 }
  elseif ($1 == reset) {
  while (%reset &lt;= %i) { .set $var($2,%i) $3- | inc %i 1 }

How to use:
To clear all variables matching a specific wildcard, use /Lucres unset *id*.
If you want to change the values of all the variables matching a specific wildcard, use /Lucres reset *id* <New value>.

Note that *id* can be any wildcards/string combination you wish.

Hope it helps

Last edited by c0ldfusi0n; 21/03/03 03:22 AM.

- cF
Dedicated helper for rent.