test this
alias imdb { sockclose imdb | sockopen imdb www.imdb.com 80 }

on *:sockopen:imdb:{
  echo -s sock $sockname opened
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET http://www.imdb.com/ HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.imdb.com $+ $crlf $+ $crlf 
on *:sockread:imdb:{ 
  if ($sockerr) { 
  var %tmptxt
  sockread -f %temptxt
  while ($sockbr) {
    sockread -f %tmptxt 
    var %cleaned = $htmlconv(%tmptxt)
    if (%cleaned) { echo -s %cleaned }

alias -l htmlconv { 
  var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,&,$chr(9)) 
  return %x 

see if that works in a fresh remote file
you might even move that remote to the top to make sure you arent having a conflict

if you dont see anything in the status window, try /remote on
then try again