My Image

The Code

Here is again the code incase I edited by mistake.

dialog slap_manager {
  title "Slap Manager"
  size -1 -1 498 306

on *:dialog:slap_manager:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) {
    dcx Mark $dname slap_manager_cb
    xdialog -b $dname +nty
    ;// Call initilisation alias

alias -l slap_manager_init_dcx {
  ;// Initialising control: Slaps List (Text 4)
  xdialog -c $dname 4 text 170 10 100 12 center
  xdid -t $dname 4 Slaps List
  ;// Initialising control: (List 3)
  xdialog -c $dname 3 list 170 25 150 199 tabstop multi extsel
  if !$exists(slaps.txt) {
    .write slaps.txt around a bit with a large trout
  loadbuf -ao $dname 3 slaps.txt
  ;// Initialising control: (TreeView 1)
  xdialog -c $dname 1 treeview 10 25 150 200 haslines showsel tabstop checkbox hasbuttons linesatroot
  xdid -l $dname 1 16
  var %a = 1, %b = $scon(0)
  while %a <= %b {
    .scon %a
    xdid -a $dname 1 $+(%a,$chr(9),+e 0 0 0 1 0 $rgb(0,0,255) $network,$chr(9),)
    var %c = 1, %d = $chan(0)
    while %c <= %d {
      xdid -a $dname 1 $+(%a %c,$chr(9),+e 0 0 0 1 0 $rgb(0,0,255) $chan(%c),$chr(9),)
      var %e = 1, %f = $nick($chan(%c),0)
      while %e <= %f {
        xdid -a $dname 1 $+(%a %c %e,$chr(9),+e 0 0 0 1 0 $rgb(0,0,255) $nick($chan(%c),%e),$chr(9),)
        inc %e
      inc %c
    inc %a
  ;// Initialising control: Slap (Button 5)
  xdialog -c $dname 5 button 330 10 75 20 tabstop
  xdid -t $dname 5 Slap
  ;// Initialising control: (Check 6)
  xdialog -c $dname 6 check 330 35 150 18 tabstop 3state
  xdid -t $dname 6 Slap All
  ;// Initialising control: Network/Channel/Nick (Text 2)
  xdialog -c $dname 2 text 10 10 150 12 center
  xdid -t $dname 2 Network/Channel/Nick

alias slap_manager_cb {
  if $2 == sclick {
    if $3 == 6 {
      xdid -t $1 6 Slap $iif(!$xdid($1,6).state,All,$iif($xdid($1,6).state == 1,Checked,Random))
  elseif ($2 == stateclick) {
    %bc = $ctime
    stateclick $1-
  elseif !$istok(close changing sizing focus focusout,$2,32) && (mouse* !iswm $2) && (*activate !iswm $2) && (*mov* !iswm $2) {
    echo $color(info) -s */ slap_manager_cb: $1-

alias stateclick {
  var %path = $xdid($1,1).mouseitem, %state = $iif($xdid($1,1,%path).state != 2,2,1), %a = 1, %b = $xdid($1,1,%path).num
  while %a <= %b {
    xdid -k $1 1 %state %path %a
    var %c = 1, %d = $xdid($1,1,%path %a).num
    while %c <= %d {
      xdid -k $1 1 %state %path %a %c
      inc %c
    inc %a
  echo -a $+(Time:,$duration($calc($ctime - %bc)))
  slap_manager_cb $1 stateclick 1 $iif($xdid($1,1,%path).state != 2,2,1
menu status,channel {
  slap_manager :   dialog $iif(!$dialog(slap_manager),-md,-ev) slap_manager slap_manager

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }