I'd like to have a hash table store the ignore strings like: *!*@blah or blah!*@blah etc...

Using a hash table to store ignore information, what's the best method of using hash tables to check if a nickname is ignored? If a $nick's $address matches one of those stored in the hash table should it be stored as an item or as a data? How would the $hfind work for that?


on 1:text:*:#: {
; if $address matches a string in the hashignore table
if ($address == $hfind(hashingore wildcard stuff here that can match without it really matching) or soemthing?

I know mirc stores it's ignore in ini files n0=partorfulladdress,settings,etc... Seems that over time if the list is huge and each time text is spoken it would lag it abit.

Would it need a while loop and some regex to check each line in the hash table for a match. I'm having a hard time thinking this out. Any help appreciated.

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