I made a little script to duplicate channels and amaze your friends so I could test while loops

alias chanduper {
[color:red]var %x = 1[/color] , %cd.chan = $?="What channel do you want to copy?"  , %cd.numchan = $?="How many copies?" , %cd.op = $?!="Deop in all of the channels?"
  ;;while loop  
  while ([color:red]%x <=[/color] %cd.numchan) {
[color:red]join $+($chr(35),%cd.chan,%x)
if ($me isop $chan) && (%cd.op) { mode $+($chr(35),%cd.chan,%x) -o $me }
inc %x[/color]

It works, but I get error messages equal to the number of copies I wanted to make. The error says:
$chan No such channel
(the channels are still joined though...)


Notice how you need a while loop to have from to from what i mean is have a small number like 1 go to x amount like 20 then have the script increment the %x till it reaches 20 it will loop till then and stop else your not assinging a loop and I wasnt sure what you wanted done but was just to show u