Use the alias that I gave above, and then go through your code, find every place where you have a window name, and replace it with the $winname( ) identifier. Example:

If you have:
.aline @IRCD $+ $chr(160) $+ Info $+ $chr(160) $+ ( $+ $network $+ ) $theme(logo) $network Info:

Change it to this:
.aline $winname(@IRCD Info $chr(40) $+ $network $+ $chr(41)) $theme(logo) $network Info:

Or better yet, get rid of the ()'s around the network name:
.aline $winname(@IRCD Info- $network) $theme(logo) $network Info:

You can see that the window name is much easier to read when you are looking at the code, plus without the ()'s you don't need any $+ in the window name at all.

These are the names I would use throughout your code:
$winname(@IRCD Info- $network)
$winname(@Server Info- $network)
$winname(@Network Map- $network)
$winname(@MOTD- $network)

As for the closing window alias, simply use this (assuming you use the window names above):
alias clear_server_infos {
window -c $winname(@IRCD Info- $network)
window -c $winname(@Server Info- $network)
window -c $winname(@Network Map- $network)
window -c $winname(@MOTD- $network)
