the only reason why the on text wouldnt be working is because you may have a conflict on text event trust me the code works. to detect highlight because you can use CTRL + R texthere to highlight manually your text the on TEXT event would capture that if someone else said it but if you highlight your own text you would have to make ON input event.

on *:TEXT:*:#:{

if ($chr(22) isin $1-) { echo -a Highlighted word has been detected in $+($nick,s) phrase. }


was the code to use i forgot to include the alias rodr

but here it is

alias rodr {
  var %x = 1
  window -dh @rodra -1 -1 150 500
  while (%x <= 200) {
    aline 8 @rodra $+(CHR,%x) = $chr(%x) A
    inc %x

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }