;assume $1- == mirc is a cool chat program
on *:text:*:#: {
  var %filename = $+(", C:\Westwood\DaveCAOW\RenegadeFDS\Server\ssaow_ $+ $date(m-d-yyyy) $+ .txt,")
  ;write to %filename mirc is a cool chat program
  write %filename $1-

  ;read %filename at the beginning of the lines for "mirc"
  var %readfile = $read(%filename,s,$1)

  ;if %readfile found it
  if (%readfile) { msg $chan i found %readfile }

  ;if it didn't find it
  if (!%readfile) { msg $chan nope }

We don't just write the scripts, we put them to the test! (ScriptBusters)