this code was made by hixxy so its copyright on him ^^

on ^*:notice:*:*:{
  if (%nwin == on) {
    var %win = $+(@Notice.,$cid,.,$nick)
    if (!$window(%win)) window -ek %win
    aline %win $+($timestamp,$chr(32),$nick,$iif($target ischan,: $+ $v1),:) $1-
  else { .echo -a $timestamps $theme(notice,$nick,$1-) | halt }

on *:input:@:{
  if (@notice.*.* iswm $active) {
    .notice $gettok($v2,-1,46) $1-
    echo -at $me $+ : $1-

menu @notice.*.* {
  Save Log: savebuf 1-200 $active $+(logs\Misc\Notice.,$network,.log)
  Close: window -c $active

anyhows i have few questions regarding this:

1. what does this code do: ,$iif($target ischan,: $+ $v1),:) $1-
in 1st part (on notice), i mean why is it added for IF target is channel... in this case it never will be coz everything is in @window no?

2. i changed this:
var %win = $+(@Notice.,$cid,.,$nick)

to this:
var %win = $+(@Notice $+ $chr(160) $+ $nick)
coz $chr(32) dont work...

but then Event of this does not work:
user who supposed to get notice doesnt even get notice

on *:input:@:{
  if (@notice* iswm $active) {
    .notice $gettok($v2,-1,46) $1-
    echo -at $me $+ : $1-

and this also is not working :
(i get only empty name of log but content is there)

menu @notice* {
  Save Log: savebuf 1-200 $active $+(logs\Misc\Notices\ $+ $nick $+ .log)
  Close: window -c $active

Anyone can help ? grin
or explain ? grin
