ok, so i was working with this part of the script trying myself to get it to work for me and dont know if i came around a bug, or it is something i have missed. Scorp here made a simple balloon script and I loaded it up but for some reason the border doesnt hide, so the edges are not curved, does anyone else have this problem.

alias balloonnotice {
  var %message = $1-
  var %balloonx $calc($window(-1).w -250)
  var %balloony $calc($window(-1).h -83)
  window -dfhnopk0 +dL @balloonnotice %balloonx %balloony 202 51
  drawrect -rdf @balloonnotice $rgb(254,255,224) 2 1 1 200 49
  drawpic -cog1 @balloonnotice 12 7 221 $+(", C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll, ")
  drawtext -ro @balloonnotice $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 11 36 8 mIRC Notification
  drawtext -r @balloonnotice $rgb(0,0,0) Tahoma 11 12 28 %message
  window -o @balloonnotice
  .timerclosebn 1 5 window -c @balloonnotice

We don't just write the scripts, we put them to the test! (ScriptBusters)