2. I want a remote script to write to a file, then scan that file for a line beginning with a specific word, then read that line back, then edit a part of that line leaving the rest as is, then read back the whole file.

Usage: /blah then some stuff here
alias blah {
 ;I want a remote script to write to a file
  write filename $1-
  ;$1- means first/param word to last
  ;then scan that file for a line beginning with a specific word
  var %readdata = $read(filename,s,$1)
  var %readline = $readn
  if (%readdata) {
    ;then read that line back
    echo -ag Data Found on line %readline
    echo -ag Line equals: $1 %readdata
    ;then edit a part of that line leaving the rest as is
    var %replacedata = $replace(%readdata,find this,replace with this)
    ;overwrite the readn line with the new data
    write -l $+ %readline $1 %replacedata
  ;then read back the whole file
  var %i = 1
  var %lines = $lines(filename)
  while (%i <= %lines) {
    echo -ag $read(filename,%i)
    inc %i

That's probably nowhere close to what you have pictured or how you want it, but hopefully some of this information will help you. Anything is possible in mIRC, it just takes time to learn what does what. You want it to do something but don't know how yet but you'll eventually get there smile.