awesome thanks mate. but lie this:

on *:DIALOG:CTB.*:init:0: {
  var %wf = dll $+(", dlls/WindowFx.dll, "), %Chan = $Mid($Dname, 5)

  ;adding images
  did -i $dname 1 1 bmpsize 16 16
  did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small Icons\AutoJoin.ico
  did -a $dname 1 1 $chr(9) $+ Add to auto join

  ; these work with $active but i tried to get it working with %chan variable above it messes up
  dll dlls/windowfx.dll SetPadding $($active, ) > 28 list
  dll dlls/windowfx.dll SetChild $($active, ) > $Dname

i tried this:
dll dlls/windowfx.dll SetPadding $!(%Chan, ) > 28 list
dll dlls/windowfx.dll SetChild $!(%Chan, ) > $Dname
it didnt work though frown