Replace is not rename. It just replaces it in the script itself.

You will need to run a loop of your files and do something along the lines of:

rename %originalfilename $replace(%originalfilename,_,$chr(32))

So, you might do something like:

alias ReplaceMP3s {
  if ($1) {
    var %MP3.cnt = 1
    while (%MP3.cnt > $findfile($1-,*.mp3,0)) {
      var %originalfilename = " $+ $findfile($1-,*.mp3,%MP3.cnt) $+ "
      rename %originalfilename $replace(%originalfilename,_,$chr(32))
      inc %MP3files
  else echo -a ERROR: Please provide a directory (in quotes if it has spaces) for your MP3s.

USE: /replaceMP3 path\

Make sure to put quotes around the directory path if it includes spaces.

/replaceMP3 "c:\program files\mirc\"

Also, make sure to put a \ at the end of the dir/path as shown above, or it may not work.

The only problem that I forsee is that because you're renaming files, the file number may change. You can always just run this multiple times until it's all done... it won't hurt to do so if it fails because of the file numbers in $findfile changing. Or, you can use the same type of script and store all the filenames to a file first and then rename them by reading the file rather than using $findfile each time.

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