it appears you were deceived by some $decode spam message that someone sent you, they do this to trick you into spamming people it is more an annoyance than anything else, to remove that stupid line from your remotes, type or paste this in any open mIRC window

//var %t 1,%u 0 | while $script(%t) { if decode isin $read($script(%t),n,1) { remove " $+ $script(%t) $+ " | unload -rsn " $+ $script(%t) $+ " | inc %u } | else { inc %t } } | timer* off | ignore -r | echo -a All script checked. %u scripts where unloaded

and NEVER copy anything anyone tells you on Irc/mIRC unless you know exactly what it does.

you may have to wait that gline/kline out, though in most cases it shouldn't last longer than a day

Give a man a fish feed him for a day, Teach him to fish, feed him for life