Ok i have tried and tried and tried. I need a Countdown timer that counts down to the Specific time, hours. And you can set it by typing a codeword such as !setdate <month> <day> <hour> <am/pm>.I would probably google mirc scripts or something to figure out how to do it myself, but i dont have the time between studing for school and construction on the house. Additional info is below. Thanks.
This would be greatly appreciated.
Three 'codewords' - one for setting it, one for help on how to set it, and one for telling how much time is left until the set time, or that repeats the set time back in a msg.
<to tell the date> (!howlong)
Time left until the event : <Countdown timer- Month, Day, hour)
<for help on how to set> (!sethelp)
To set the date and time, type !setcd <Month> <day> <hour> <am/pm> Example: !setcd May 21 5:00 pm