Wuthout getting fancy, here is a really hacked version of what you want (to the best of my understanding. Put the number in the top middle column, and the rest will populate. From there, fill in the third column with the desired values, and viola.

alias hour_grid {
  var %dlg = hour_grid
  /dialog $iif($dialog(%dlg),-vie,-md) %dlg %dlg

dialog hour_grid {
  title "Hour Grid"
  size -1 -1 100 245
  option dbu

  box "", 999, 0 0 100 245

  edit "", 1, 5 10 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 2, 5 19 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 3, 5 28 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 4, 5 37 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 5, 5 46 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 6, 5 55 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 7, 5 64 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 8, 5 73 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 9, 5 82 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 10, 5 91 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 11, 5 100 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 12, 5 109 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 13, 5 118 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 14, 5 127 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 15, 5 136 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 16, 5 145 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 17, 5 154 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 18, 5 163 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 19, 5 172 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 20, 5 181 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 21, 5 190 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 22, 5 199 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 23, 5 208 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 24, 5 217 30 10, disabled center

  edit "", 25, 34 10 30 10, center
  edit "", 26, 34 19 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 27, 34 28 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 28, 34 37 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 29, 34 46 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 30, 34 55 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 31, 34 64 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 32, 34 73 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 33, 34 82 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 34, 34 91 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 35, 34 100 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 36, 34 109 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 37, 34 118 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 38, 34 127 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 39, 34 136 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 40, 34 145 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 41, 34 154 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 42, 34 163 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 43, 34 172 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 44, 34 181 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 45, 34 190 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 46, 34 199 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 47, 34 208 30 10, disabled center
  edit "", 48, 34 217 30 10, disabled center

  edit "", 49, 63 10 30 10, center
  edit "", 50, 63 19 30 10, center
  edit "", 51, 63 28 30 10, center
  edit "", 52, 63 37 30 10, center
  edit "", 53, 63 46 30 10, center
  edit "", 54, 63 55 30 10, center
  edit "", 55, 63 64 30 10, center
  edit "", 56, 63 73 30 10, center
  edit "", 57, 63 82 30 10, center
  edit "", 58, 63 91 30 10, center
  edit "", 59, 63 100 30 10, center
  edit "", 60, 63 109 30 10, center
  edit "", 61, 63 118 30 10, center
  edit "", 62, 63 127 30 10, center
  edit "", 63, 63 136 30 10, center
  edit "", 64, 63 145 30 10, center
  edit "", 65, 63 154 30 10, center
  edit "", 66, 63 163 30 10, center
  edit "", 67, 63 172 30 10, center
  edit "", 68, 63 181 30 10, center
  edit "", 69, 63 190 30 10, center
  edit "", 70, 63 199 30 10, center
  edit "", 71, 63 208 30 10, center
  edit "", 72, 63 217 30 10, center

  button "Copy To Clipboard", 100, 4 230 90 12

on *:DIALOG:hour_grid:INIT:*: {
  var %h = 1
  while (%h < 25) {
    /did -ra $dname %h %h
    /inc %h

on *:DIALOG:hour_grid:SCLICK:*: {
  if ($did == 100) {
    var %l = 1, %space = $chr(9)
    while (%l < 25) {
      var %col1 = %l, %col2 = %l + 24, %col3 = %l + 48
      /clipboard $iif(%l == 1,-n,-an) $+($did(%col1).text,%space,$did(%col2).text,%space,$did(%col3).text)
      /inc %l

on *:DIALOG:hour_grid:EDIT:*: {
  if ($did == 25) {
    var %e = 26, %num = $did($did).text + 1
    if (%num isnum) {
      while (%e < 49) {
        /did -ra $dname %e %num
        /inc %e
        /inc %num

turns in to:

1	1050	767
2	1051	6546
3	1052	216
4	1053	216
5	1054	0
6	1055	622
7	1056	061
8	1057	26
9	1058	2161
10	1059	21
11	1060	61
12	1061	65157
13	1062	34
14	1063	651
15	1064	54
16	1065	19654
17	1066	1695
18	1067	6
19	1068	9165
20	1069	461
21	1070	64
22	1071	3168
23	1072	1
24	1073	96
