if youre gona have a long complex line like that, you're better off sticking it in an alias smile here's the timer method though, i simplified it a bit, and included a $decode/$encode combination for $nick and $chan, in case the channel/nick contains characters that would otherwise screw it up :>

//var %c = $!decode( $encode(#,m) ,m),%n = $!decode( $encode($nick,m) ,m) | .timer 1 $iif(%chanscandly isnum,$v1,2) if ($remove($ial( %n ).mark, %c )) echo -c i %c $!ts $+(<,$nick,>) is also in channels $!bracket($remtok($ial( %n ).mark,$wildtok($ial( %n ).mark,* $!+ %c ,1,32),1,32))

"The only excuse for making a useless script is that one admires it intensely" - Oscar Wilde