I got this in my Remote:

alias joinchans if ($network == undernet) {
  var %c = 1
  while $read(file.txt,n,%c) {
    $+(.timer,join.,$cid,.,$v1) 1 $calc(%c  2) join $v1
    inc %c

  msg x@channels.undernet.org login Gomp mypasswordhere

menu channel {
  Hide Channel Switchbar  window -ha $active
  Show Channel Switchbar  { window -w $active }

menu query {
  reload logfile loadbuf $1 $+(,$sfile($logdir.log),)

;Target changed to fast, please try again in xxx seconds....
raw 439{
set $+(%,failedchan,.,$2) $2
var %delay = $calc($rand(1,150) + $gettok($1-,-2,32))
.timer 1 %delay join $+(%,failedchan,.,$2)

on mejoin#{
unset $+(%,failedchan,.,$chan)

on op#Ascetickism$iif($opnick == $me,.mode $chan -o $me)


But when I now joine a server.. /server -m irc.paranormal.se -j #torget

IT opens all the same cannels as as on undernet...

#Buddha #atheism #philosophy #buddhism @#buddhism2 #mensa #ideology +#spirit #dialogue #spirits #spirituality #vegan @#Shamanism #scripture #psychology #yoga #philosophy3 #history #filosofi #alchemy @#magickcity #astral_projection #shamanism! #Ascetickism #shaman #2012 #MagicK

And that is a lot to close..

even with the shift -mouse click..

SO how do I keep that I got in Remote, to only be for the Undernett server?

I tested if ($network == undernet)
all over the plae, but no plase works..


Last edited by gomp; 10/08/06 04:46 PM.

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.