Thank you KingTomato, that works perfectly. Now I have this second script that is connected to the first one (!es). This script below should only work for the person with the %esnick and %esplay. For some reason, it works for anyone who types in !wartortle. I've looked it over, but I don't see anything wrong with it. What is the mistake?

on *:TEXT:!wartortle*:#:{
  if (%esplay == null) {
    .msg $chan This game is currently for %esnick only!
  if ($1 == %c $+ !wartortle) {
    /timer73 1 2 msg $chan 1,8Shoot water into Snorlax's mouth to make him explode.  You must use !shootwater 10 times in 25 seconds or you lose!  4Cheating the system will get you banned.
    /timer74 1 3 msg $chan 1,8Ready?
    /timer75 1 4 msg $chan 1,8Go!
    /set %wartortle $nick