When I connect, I got this script..

(Please do not mind the number of channels, as I actually am active in them all.. and that is nother question, so take it to PM, if wondering?!)

on *:connect:{ if ($network == undernet) { join #MagicK | join #2012 | join #shaman | join #Ascetickism | join #shamanism! | join #astral_projection | join #Shamanism | join #magickcity | join #alchemy | join #filosofi | join #history | join #vulgarunicorn | join #philosophy3 | join #yoga | join #psychology | join #scripture | join #mensa | join #spirituality | join #vegan | join #ideology | join #spirits | join #spirituality | join #Shamanism | join #spirit | join #philosophy | join #dialogue | join #buddhism2 | join #buddhism | join #atheism | join #Buddha | msg x@channels.undernet.org login mynick password } }

Now, sometimes, it work as it should, and I joine all channels, one by one..

Then at other times I get this kind of error..

[08:39:39] #spiritzone Target change too fast. Please wait 94 seconds.

And like now, nothing happens, it just joine the first channel. "MagicK", then seem to "go idle" ..

Then I get:

08/08 21:27:04 * [10053] Software caused connection abort


I suspect it being that I "spam" the server, all to fast..

And if i could put a break/pauser in the code, for each 3 channels or so..

like a timer?

then I probaly would connect without problem, each and every time?

Anyone know what other it could be, if not?

And anyone know that "take a breake here" code/command?


Last edited by gomp; 08/08/06 07:54 PM.

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.