sorts same code i had, but smaller, same times to load tho since using finddir
here is my code
alias -l tree {
  var %dir = e:\
  write -c temp.txt
  if ($fopen(mp3list)) { .fclose mp3list }
  .fopen mp3list temp.txt
  var %x = $finddir($+(",%dir,"),*,0,2,.fwrite -n mp3list $1-)
  .fclose mp3list
  var %n = 1
  did -a $dname 401 \Mp3s\
  did -i $dname 401 1 cb root last 1
  while (%n < $lines(temp.txt)) {
    var %line = $read(temp.txt,%n)

    if ($numtok(%line,92) <= 2) {
      did -a $dname 401 $gettok(%line,2,58)
      did -i $dname 401 1 cb root last 1
      inc %n
    if ($numtok(%line,92) >= 3) {
      did -a $dname 401 $gettok(%line,2,58)
      did -i $dname 401 1 cb root last last 1
      inc %n

on *:dialog:mmp2:*:*:{
  if ($devent == init) {
    dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version
    dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname
    dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 401 TreeView haslines linesatroot hasbuttons autosort > $views

that creates a txt file with all the dirs on e:\ drive
and then im trying to but them in to treeview like the left side of explorer
but i cant get it work correctly