I'm not seeing anything wrong on my side. I tested this on an UnrealIRCd server and it's showing the modes correctly. This may be a problem with the way the IRCd outputs the channel's modes when you join. It may be showing something like "+ntrfl 5 [3t:5]". Which then I believe mIRC would be parsing the modes correctly, as the f is the first mode with an parameter it will use that "5" since it's the correspondes with the +f.
This seems it may be an IRCd issue. Could you please /debug @debug in mIRC, then when you /join a channel could you copy the line that shows the channel modes. should hopefully appear something like
":server: <raw> <Your-Nick> <CHannel> +<modes>".
Hopefully I'm not incorrect and hopefully you can understand what I'm trying to say. =x