I think the point of the OP may be that you can't code any version check directly from that minor version style. A logical bit of code might be something like this pseudocode:

if ((majorversion == 6) && (minorversion >= 17)) { do something }

Obviously that code is trying to ensure that the user's version of mIRC is 6.17 or later, however the problem you'd run into with that code is that the version after 6.17 is 6.2, and as you can see, 2 is less than 17 so version 6.2 wouldn't be detected as newer than 6.17.

I think the minor version should return a number that is right padded with zeros (doesn't change the decimal value of the number) or it should return the actual decimal value, ie 0.17, 0.2 etc, as that would work correctly in > and < comparisons.
