the best would be to devide the hiding and showing of windows into a switchbar and treebar section

-w0: hides from both switchbar and treebar (doesn't work for status window in the treeview, just the switchbar)
-w1: show in switchbar
-w2: show in treeview
-w3: show in both
-w4: hide in switchbar
-w5: hide in treeview

or allowing 2x -w in one command so you can do -w0w1 for hiding just in the treeview...

also like stated in the other thread there is no way to tell what state a window has in the treeview, so an identifier equal to .icon is really needed.

you could also totally sync (this includes .icon) the switchbar and treeview behaviour (except for the hiding of a status window @ switchbar) and only allow one of the two to be used...

I myself don't see any use in using both bars at the same time...

If it ain't broken, don't fix it!