Khaled, you've done it again smile

Things I like about this version (even if I dont use them):

37.Channel Folder now shows channel description alongside channel name. (sweet)
70.Script editor now has minimize/maximize buttons. (sweet)
90.Added a Treebar which lists connections and open windows, much like the switchbar. It behaves like the switchbar in many ways as well, eg. Shift/Control + left-click support, icon blinking, etc. and uses various switchbar settings in the Options/Dialog. (SWEET)
98.Added /exit -nr switches, -n disables confirmation dialogs, and -r restarts mIRC. (for those who doubted Khaled takes ideas we give him, this is a PRIME example. Was suggested quite recently and it's in I have no need for it but that doesnt mean it wasnt a good idea)
101.Added Up/Down sort buttons for Options/DCC/Folders dialog to set order of matching.
107.Added /abook -wncl switches, open the different tabs in the address book dialog.
117.Added /toolbar command, allows modification of toolbar buttons.
120.mIRC now stores a [success] section in servers.ini that lists servers that were connected to successfully. When you later connect to a server group, the success list is used to prioritize server connection attempts. "Clear History" via the servers list popup menu clears this list.

Those who fail history are doomed to repeat it