or, in Options->Connect->Identd deselect "enable identd server"
then select "Use ID from email address".

Therefore, when you connect to servers you can do such as
/server <server_addr> -i NickName AltNick someemail@gmail.com Jublee!
And your identd will show up as "someemail". A little simplier way then creating a whole identd server with mIRC sockets.. =|
awesome. I figured there must have been an easy solution, thank you.

The only thing I've seen, is I don't automatically login to NickServ using this method of logging in:
/server irc.r00ted.net -i r00ted rooted r00ted@email.com

If it matters, I was using the "Password" field in the mIRC > Connect > Servers > Add server dialogue box