I've been noticing this on and off for a while now, but haven't thought anything of it as I originally thought it had something to do with being on dial-up and causing me to lag, etc, but it doesn't have anything to do with that (to the best of my knowledge, anyway). I've noticed when you first join a channel and double click on it (bringing up the /channel dialog), all text seems to halt from echo-ing to the channel until that dialog is closed, at which point, all text that was sent while the dialog was open will echo to the channel at once. It seems to only happen the first time you bring up the /channel dialog after joining a channel. After that, it seems to work how it's supposed to. It might conflict with auto-ignore settings for flooding, etc, which in turn might cause people to post "false" bug reports related to the auto-ignore settings, etc. Not really a serious bug, but a bug nonetheless. Note: I'm using 6.17. Might also occur on older versions, but I haven't tested.