Still the same error message:- NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname... 461 USER :Not enough parameters 451 join :You have not registered

code now:

alias open.socket {
sockopen conn1 6667
echo 4 Socket connection test started
on *:SOCKOPEN:conn1: {
if ($sockerr > 0) return
sockwrite -tn $sockname user $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(1,99) $qt(asdf) $qt(asdf) : $+ tecsatan
sockwrite -tn $sockname nick $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(1,9999)
sockwrite -tn $sockname join #thinktank
on *:sockread:conn1:{
if ($sockerr > 0) return
sockread %temp
if ($sockbr == 0) return
if (%temp == $null) %temp = -
echo 4 %temp
goto nextread
alias close.socket {
sockclose conn1
echo 4 Socket connection test finished

I am at a loss now. My experience with sockets only goes so fare and this is starting to go beyond me. mIRC help file don't help much ever, on the subject.