Yes, I checked for and found another thread by this name but I didn't want to include my experiences with the other person. I'd rather approach this more maturely.

Ok, I'm getting constant errors of this kind. The above mentioned "[10053] Software caused connection abort" of course. Usually, within 45 seconds of connecting. It happens repeatedly when I'm trying to connect to certain IRC networks.

Now, the consistant things I've found are the networks this is happening with run Unreal-IRCd. The one most recently I was connecting to is using Unreal3.2.5. The network name is RealityBytez (the server pool address is

This also happens when I try to connect to as well, usually, they use Unreal3.2.3. Connecting to IRCCafe was easy using, which was their old name before a network merge.

I'm able to connect to other networks using ConferenceRoom IRCd and I used to connect to easily, I forget what they use. I'm able to connect to StarChat network and sit connected for days. StarChat uses a custom modded IRCd I guess, it's version was "Star6.0.7".

By the way, I'm testing these and confirming as I type this. So, it's not old problems I'm rehashing.

I've consulted with a NetAdmin on one of the networks I was having problems with. They don't know why it's happening either. So, it's some connection mystery for now.

I'm aware of other mIRC users who are not experiencing this problem at all. So, I doubt it's a general problem with mIRC.

I've been using mIRC for maybe 8 years. I'm very happy with it. I registered in 2001, feeling like I owed it to the author after the use I've gotten from mIRC.

Well, I'm NOT looking for a refund, like the other fellow. I'm looking to see if anyone reading this has some wisdom about this situation. I'll get whatever information I can to help on my end.

If anyone can shed some light on this problem, offer some suggestions, etc. I'd be greatful. I'm willing to be patient and offer whatever information I can to hopefully narrow down the cause of this problem.

Almost forgot, I'm using mIRC v6.17. Some other info that might be useful is that I can connect using java clients and a CGI based client without connection problems. So, it's not my net connection, it's something perhaps with my mIRC configuration, or something. I'm interesting in finding out tho.

Last edited by Lloyd_B; 11/07/06 10:26 PM.
