With the /who command is also possible to view the person's IP, and it has a smaller reply than the /whois command.

The script varies according to how the spambot's IPs are listed. Let's say, for example, that they are in a text file, one IP per line. We could use: $read(spambots.txt,[color:red]w,*@host)

This will return the first match for *@host. Now onto getting the persons IP (I'm assuming you just want the IP, disregarding the nickname and userid).
alias Spambot {
 set %Spambot.hide on
 who $$1
raw 352:*: {
 if (%Spambot.hide) {
  if ($read(spambots.txt,w,*@ $+ $4)) { [color:blue]command here[/color] }
raw 315:*: if (%Spambot.hide) { unset %Spambot.hide | halt }

The above is not tested but should work.

When replacing command here for the command you want to use, use this parameters:

- $6 -> User's nickname
- $3 -> User's userid
- $4 -> User's host

Hope this can help! Good luck,


"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon