/drawsave should have the optional [X Y W H] parameters(/drawsave -bNqN @ [X Y W H] <filename>), so that you can save a region of a windows background to a file. This can be done with /drawcopy and /drawsave but that needs a lot of extra lines to get the job done. My problem is that the width of the part of the window I want to save is, is smaller than the the smallest a window goes. This means even if I draw the part out of one window into the other, I will allways have extra stuff to the right of it. This was a bad explenation so for an example, i want to save a rect 20x20 in the top left corner of @test, to save.bmp:
alias test {
  window -pdCf @test 0 0 100 100
  drawrect -rf @test 255 1 10 10 80 80
  window -pdCf @save 0 0 20 20
  drawcopy @test 0 0 20 20 @save 0 0
  drawsave @save save.bmp
  window -c @test
  window -c @save

If you run this then check the bmp, you will know what I mean.