Hey people.

I've been using mIRC for a long time, and I love it. However, I find that the script language is missing something.. I often use hash tables with alot of items, and I use a script to loop through it. However, a loop like this one;

while (%i < $hget(htable,0).data) {
inc %i 1
echo -a $hget(hTable,%i)

will halt mIRC untill %i equals the number of items in htable. This is ok if the hash table only contains 10-100 items, but when the table grows...

Visual Basic has a DoEvents keyword, which will give other applications time in each loop. I'd love it if you could implement such a feature for mIRC, giving other scripts cycles in a loop, like this;

while (%i < $hget(htable,0).data) {
inc %i 1
echo -a $hget(hTable,%i)
