I've found it!
Call stack of thread 000007B0
Address    Stack      Procedure / arguments                                          Called from                   Frame
014DFF14   7C821364   Includes ntdll.KiFastSystemCallRet                             ntdll.7C821362                014DFF7C
014DFF18   77E42439   ntdll.ZwDelayExecution                                         kernel32.77E42433             014DFF7C
014DFF1C   00000000     Arg1 = 00000000
014DFF20   014DFF54     Arg2 = 014DFF54
014DFF80   77E424B7   ? kernel32.SleepEx                                             kernel32.77E424B2             014DFF7C
014DFF84   0000EA60     Timeout = 60000. ms
014DFF88   00000000     Alertable = FALSE
014DFF90   776B22A0   ? kernel32.Sleep                                               ole32.776B229A                014DFF8C
014DFF94   0000EA60     Timeout = 60000. ms

It seems that a thread is created which sleeps for a minute(or is it two? dunno lol :S).
This [thread 000007B0] isn't the main thread. Anyone has an idea why this happens?