I think the /signal command should have callback support. This would make it a lot easier to make modules for scripts. What I think should be added is:

Add the /sreturn command, which only works in a signal.
/sreturn <text>
- <text> is the line of text to be added to the list.

This command could be called multiple times, each being added to a list. You can then use the $signal identifier to retrieve the lines by their number.
Also, when the /signal command is given, the list would be reset for that signal name.

Add the $signal identifier. This would be used to get the data returned by the /sreturn command.
- <name> is the name of the signal that had the /sreturn.
- <N> is which line to get.

Also, if the -r switch is used on the /signal command and no /sreturn is used in the on SIGNAL event, the list of returns would be to parameters of the /signal.

Add the -r switch to /signal.
/signal -r <name> <parameters>[code]

Here is a small example:
[code]on ^*:TEXT:*:?:{
  ;The -r switch is used, so if there is no signal, $nick and $1- will be added to the list as line 1 and 2.
  signal -r ontext $nick $1-
  ;$signal is used to get the lines returned by the ontext signal.
  echo -a $signal(ontext,1) $signal(ontext,2)
on *:SIGNAL:ontext:{
  ;Add $+(<,$1,>) to the list as the first line, because its the first /sreturn used.
  sreturn $+(<,$1,>)
  ;Add $2- to the list as the second line.
  sreturn $2-

Sorry if this is a bad explanation, if it is i'll try and explain better.

- poiuy_qwert