This is just a suggestion but you can streamline your script by combining the init and events into one script like this

on *:dialog:dccbar:*:*: {
  if $devent == init {
    if $did == 0 {
      mdx SetDialog $dname style
      mdx SetControlMDX $dname 2 listview report infotip single rowselect > $mircdir $+ \script\mdx\views.mdx
      did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 319 150 130 130 130 130 130 150
      did -i $dname 2 1 headertext Filename $chr(9) User Name $chr(9) Status $chr(9) Size $chr(9) $chr(37) Complete $chr(9) Rate $chr(9) Time Left $chr(9) Elasped Time
      did -i $dname 2 1 setbkg color $color($color(background))
      did -i $dname 2 1 settxt bgcolor $color($color(background))
      did -i $dname 2 1 settxt color $color($color(normal text))
      mdx SetFont $dname 2 -10 700 Tahoma
      dll script\dlls\hOS.dll DockWindow $dname bottom
      did -i $dname 2 1 seticon normal 0 72,script\icons\beos.icl
      did -i $dname 2 1 seticon normal 0 71,script\icons\beos.icl
  if $devent == dclick {
    if $did == 2 { windows -x get }

Intelligence: It's better to ask a stupid question, then to prove it by not asking....