I wrote this today on March 12, 2003, my first foray (venture) into Dialogs, someone may find this useful.

My reasoning for doing it:
a) see how it could be done in mirc script
b) i'm a heavy gamer and I figure since I mirc open while i'm gaming might as well use it's cpu cycles for the calculator rather than starting another calc.exe process.

have fun.
;created by Roger Lamb
;March 12, 2003 using Mirc 6.03
dialog calculator_layout {
  ;properties for the whole layout
  title "Calculator"
  size -1 -1 140 108
  ;end of properties for the whole layout

  ;output box
  edit "",40,1 1 139 20,right read

  ;hidden storage box
  edit "",41,1 1 139 20,right read hide

  ;hidden memory box
  edit "",42,1 1 139 20,right read hide

  ;1st row
  button "7",7,1 22 20 20,default
  button "8",8,21 22 20 20,default
  button "9",9,41 22 20 20,default

  ;2nd row
  button "4",4,1 42 20 20,default
  button "5",5,21 42 20 20,default
  button "6",6,41 42 20 20,default

  ;3rd row
  button "1",1,1 62 20 20,default
  button "2",2,21 62 20 20,default
  button "3",3,41 62 20 20,default

  ;4th row
  button "0",10,21 82 20 20,default

  button ".",11,71 82 20 20,default
  button "=",12,91 82 20 20,default
  button "+",13,71 22 20 20,default
  button "-",14,71 42 20 20,default
  button "*",15,91 42 20 20,default
  button "/",16,91 22 20 20,default

  button "CE",17,1 82 20 20,default
  button "AC",18,41 82 20 20,default

  button "M+",19,115 62 22 20,default
  button "M-",20,115 82 22 20,default
  button "MR",21,115 42 22 20,default
  button "MC",22,115 22 22 20,default

  button "-+",23,71 62 20 20,default
  text "",24,96 65 12 12,center

alias calc {
  if ( %calc_active ) {
    dialog -v calculator
  dialog -m calculator calculator_layout

menu * {
  .Calculator: /calc

alias read_data {
  ;ensure there is data
  if( !$did(calculator,40) ) return 0
  return $did(calculator,40)

on 1:dialog:calculator:init:*: {
  set %calc_active 1

  set %decimal  11
  set %equal 12
  set %add  13
  set %subtract  14
  set %multiply  15
  set %divide  16

  set %clear_entry 17
  set %all_clear 18
  set %memory_add 19
  set %memory_sub 20
  set %memory_recall 21
  set %memory_clear 22

  set %sign 23

on 1:dialog:calculator:close:*: {
  unset %calc_active

  unset %decimal
  unset %equal
  unset %add
  unset %subtract
  unset %multiply
  unset %divide

  unset %clear_entry
  unset %all_clear
  unset %memory_add
  unset %memory_sub
  unset %memory_recall
  unset %memory_clear

  unset %sign

  unset %last_function
  unset %enter_again

on 1:dialog:calculator:sclick:*: {
  var %id = $did

  var %calc_data = $result

  ;insert numbers and leave the routine
  if ( %id <= 10 ) {
    if ( %wipe_me ) {
      %calc_data = $chr(32)
      unset %wipe_me
    %calc_data = %calc_data $+ $right(%id,1)
    did -o calculator 40 1 %calc_data
  if ( %id == 11 ) {
    if ( %wipe_me ) {
      %calc_data = 0
      unset %wipe_me
    %calc_data = %calc_data $+ .
    did -o calculator 40 1 %calc_data

  ;ok if we get here, then it's because one of the
  ;function buttons were pressed
  var %function = %id

  ;determine which function was accessed

  if ( %function == %clear_entry ) {
    did -r calculator 40

  if ( %function == %sign ) {
    did -o calculator 40 1 $calc( $did(calculator,40) * -1 )

  if ( %last_function && %calc_data && $did(calculator,41) ) || ( %function == %equal ) {
    if ( %last_function == %multiply ) %calc_data = $calc( $did(calculator,41) * %calc_data )
    if ( %last_function == %add ) %calc_data = $calc( $did(calculator,41) + %calc_data )
    if ( %last_function == %subtract ) %calc_data = $calc( $did(calculator,41) - %calc_data )
    if ( %last_function == %divide ) %calc_data = $calc( $did(calculator,41) / %calc_data )
    did -o calculator 40 1 %calc_data
    did -r calculator 41
    unset %last_function
    if ( %function == %equal ) {
      set %wipe_me 1

  if ( %function == %all_clear ) {
    did -r calculator 40
    did -r calculator 41
    unset %last_function
    unset %wipe_me

  if ( %function == %memory_recall ) {
    %calc_data = $did(calculator,42)
    did -o calculator 40 1 %calc_data

  if ( %function == %memory_clear ) {
    did -r calculator 42
    did -r calculator 24

  if ( %function == %memory_sub ) {
    did -o calculator 42 1 $calc( $did(calculator,42) - %calc_data )
    did -o calculator 24 1 M

  if ( %function == %memory_add ) {
    did -o calculator 42 1 $calc( $did(calculator,42) + %calc_data )
    did -o calculator 24 1 M

  ;ok it was a math key
  ;store old value into hidden box
  did -o calculator 41 1 %calc_data
  ;set last function
  set %last_function %id
  ;set wipe flag for numbers
  set %wipe_me 1