alias convert {
  var %names = $readini(file.ini,Settings,Categories)
  var %things = $readini(file.ini,Settings,Things)
  var %name.cnt = 1
  var %thing.cnt = 1
  while (%name.cnt <= $gettok(%names,0,44)) {
    var %name = $gettok(%names,%name.cnt,44)
    while (%thing.cnt <= $gettok(%things,0,44)) {
      if (%name $+ * iswm $gettok(%things,%thing.cnt,44)) {
        var %data = %data $remove($gettok(%things,%thing.cnt,44),%name) $+ ,
      inc %thing.cnt
      if (%thing.cnt > $gettok(%names,0,44)) {
        echo -a %name = %data
    inc %name.cnt

That should separate your data the way you want and echo it. You'd just need to change the echo line to do whatever it is you want to actually happen (perhaps writeini or something).

Invision Support
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