raw *:*:{
  ;echo -s raw $numeric - $2-
  var %x = $numeric , %i = .timer -m 1 1 _input
  goto %x
  if (!$hget(whois,$2)) return
  hadd whois $2 $hget(whois,$2) $crlf $crlf $+ $2 is away: $3-
  goto done
  %i away $2- $crlf $+ $duration($awaytime)
  goto done
  %i away $2- $crlf $+ $awaymsg
  goto done
  hadd -m whois $2 Nickname: $2 $crlf $crlf $+ Realname: $6- $crlf $crlf $+ Address: $+($3,@,$4)
  goto done
  if ($hget(whois,$2)) {
    hadd whois $2 $v1 $crlf $crlf $+ Server: $3-
  var %x = 1
  while $gettok($2,%x,44) {
    var %# = $v1
    if ($hget(ial,$v1)) {
      echo -t %# Address list cached in $round($calc(($ticks - $v1) / 1000),2) $+ s
      hdel ial %#
    inc %x 1
  hadd whois $2 $hget(whois,$2) $crlf $crlf $+ Idle: $duration($3) $crlf $crlf $+ Signed on: $asctime($4)
  goto done
  %i whois $strip($hget(whois,$2))
  hdel whois $2
  goto done
  hadd whois $2 $hget(whois,$2) $crlf $crlf $+ Channels: $3-
  goto done 
  hadd whois $2 $hget(whois,$2) $crlf $crlf $+ $iif($5 == logged,$2 $4- $3,$2-)
  goto done
  if (* isin $7) .guser oper $6 1
  if ($hget(ial,$2)) haltdef
  if (($2 !ischan) || (!$hget(sync,$2))) return
  echo -c other $2 [[ @Ops: $nick($2,0,o) ( $+ $round($calc(($nick($2,0,o) / $nick($2,0)) * 100),2) $+ % $+ ) ]] $&
    [[ % $+ Halfops: $nick($2,0,h) ( $+ $round($calc(($nick($2,0,h) / $nick($2,0)) * 100),2) $+ % $+ ) ]] $&
    [[ +Voices: $nick($2,0,v) ( $+ $round($calc(($nick($2,0,v) / $nick($2,0)) * 100),2) $+ % $+ ) ]] $&
    [[ Regulars: $nick($2,0,r) ( $+ $round($calc(($nick($2,0,r) / $nick($2,0)) * 100),2) $+ % $+ ) ]] $&
    [[ Total: $nick($2,0,a) ]]
  echo -t $2 Synced in $round($calc(($ticks - $hget(sync,$2)) / 1000),2) $+ s
  hdel sync $2
  if ((!$chan($2).ial) && ($ial)) .timer.ialupdate 1 1 ialupdate $addtok($deltok($timer(.ialupdate).com,1,32),$2,44)
  goto done 
  echo $2-
  goto done
  if ($2 == $me) goto done
  .timer.nick 1 $9 nick $2
  %i error $2-6 Nick will change in $9-
  goto done
  %i join $2-5 (channel is full)
  goto done
  %i join $2-5 (invite only)
  goto done
  %i join $2-5 (address is banned)
  goto done
  .timer -m 1 1 join $2 $!$input(Enter $2 password/key,phk60,Channel key)
  goto done
  %i error $3-
  goto done
  %i error $2-
  if ($hget(whois,$2)) {
    hadd whois $2 $v1 $crlf $crlf $+ $2-
alias _input {
  if ($1 == away) noop $input($2-,iok60,Away))
  if ($1 == whois) noop $input($2-,iok300,Whois)
  if ($1 == join) noop $input($2-,hok60,Cannot join)
  if ($1 == error) noop $input($2-,hok60,Error)

That currently works, but if I just have $input($2-,blah,blah) in the raw event the $input wont accept commas and brackets.

If only women came with popup menus and online help.