All I wish for, is another option, so that it Relodes logg, in CHAT, ...but, not in Channels ..
Without me having to turn of the loggin of the Channles ...

Well thats what i gave you!

Why do you talk about clearing the windows?
I do not want to /clear anything..

I told you to LEAVE the option set to RELOAD logs and log BOTH chat and channels.
What my script does is CLEAR the reloaded channels when you join them, (just like joining without reloading the log).
Enter a chat, log reloads
Enter a channel, log reloads, channel(logged) is cleared, topic is displayed as per normal.

I just wish for it to be possible to chose to ONLY reloade the loggs in Chat. And that Channels would be not reloaded.. But just joined as Normal, with the topic there..

And thats what this does.