Check boxes would probably be ideal, but if you want to use radio buttons it can be done fairly easy as well. I posted this on another site where RusselB was looking for help so I'll copy it over to here as well.
  radio "Daily", 160, 7 134 50 18, group
  radio "MP/LL", 170, 7 152 50 18, group
  radio "Sat. Only", 180, 57 134 65 18, group 
  radio "Vacation", 190, 57 152 65 18, group
  box "Billing", 200, 123 120 63 100 
  radio "PIO", 210, 125 134 40 18, group
  radio "CMP", 220, 125 152 40 18
  radio "Mthly", 230, 125 170 45 18
  radio "Bi-Wkly", 240, 125 188 55 18

and to uncheck the radio buttons I used this

on *:dialog:observer:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 160) {
    if (%daily == 0 || %daily == $null) { set %daily 1 | did -c $dname 160 }
    else { set %daily 0 | did -u $dname 160 }
  if ($did == 170) {
    if (%mp == 0 || %mp == $null) { set %mp 1 | did -c $dname 170 }
    else { set %mp 0 | did -u $dname 170 }
  if ($did == 180) {
    if (%sat == 0 || %sat == $null) { set %sat 1 | did -c $dname 180 }
    else { set %sat 0 | did -u $dname 180 }
  if ($did == 190) {
    if (%vaca == 0 || %vaca == $null) { set %vaca 1 | did -c $dname 190 }
    else { set %vaca 0 | did -u $dname 190 }