Below is two alias' that at one time I had no problems with but with the new mIRC 6.17 it seems that the trackbar is now wrong when playing a Mp3 . What happens is, when I play a song, when the song is over the progress bar is only half way through and the song starts playing once again. Anyone here know if something in the new version has changed and this is the reason for the mishap now or something else maybe the reason. Thank you in advance for any information/help on the subject.

alias mp3.time { if ($dialog(mp3)) { if (!$insong) { return 3 | halt } | var %x = $calc($insong.pos /1000) | did -ra mp3 2 $gmt(%x,$iif(%x >= 3600,h:nn:ss,nn:ss)) } }

alias mp3.trackbar if ($dialog(mp3)) did -i mp3 12 1 params $round($calc($calc($inmp3.pos / $inmp3.length) * 100),0)