If you want an identifier, you have to use a script that is designed for that. Wildcards are based on the computer OS and software running the server. Unix/Linux and DOS/Windows and Mac all use ? and * for wildcards. Therefore, you can only use those for the wildcards without writing a script to handle things differently or using a regex banmask if the server allows it.

As for "loading up a remote" ... you are not going to impact your client in ANY way by adding a few lines into remotes.

And, as mentioned, mIRC can't force new wildcards on servers. /ban is a server command, not a mIRC command.

This script works just fine (it's basically what was written previously)...
on @*:join:#: {
  if (gay* iswm $nick && $len($nick) == 5 && $right($nick,2) isnum) { ban -ku600 $chan $nick }

That will ban and kick anyone who has gay## as a nick (where #'s are numbers). It will also automatically remove the ban in 600 seconds (10 minutes) so that your banlist doesn't get too large. This is really an easy script to use and will do what you need.

Also, you should know that many clone spammers like that use a similar dns/ip and you can often do a ban on something like:




Yes, those will catch people with nicks that are 5 letters, but do not have numbers at the end... but how many are going to be from a specific host or have the same identd as well? Of course, your cloners may have completely different dns/ip information.

Or, you can just tell people that they can't use gay?? as a nick. Period. I can't see that you'll have that many legitimate people using gay?? as a nick without the numbers at the end.

Either way, you can complain to the network/server about banning with regex. Maybe they'll decide to allow it. If they don't, then you can't do anything about it. mIRC certainly can't force it on them.

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